Interior Design
I can handle a project as a whole and depending on the agreed mission, I help you throughout its duration. I am your partner, either to help you in your renovation, to furnish a new flat or house or to enhance your current home. I can focus on the re-styling of a whole interior or just on the new style of one room. I develop the concept and its visuals and we constantly exchange ideas during the development of the project. I am the fresh eye to formulate ideas and make things easier for you!

Personal Shopping
You are looking for a particular object, a piece of furniture or a lamp and you’re running out of ideas. Based on our conversation and on my knowledge of the market, the shops and of many brands, I can provide you with ideas or suggest alternatives. According to your budget and request, I can either accompany you in your purchases, give you advices on the different shopping sources or directly order with my own providers. My researching has always been proven successful!